Honest as a Mother

Covid Talk with Dr. Tara Egan


Amanda is joined by Dr. Tara Egan, a child psychologist, and they are diving into the pandemic and how it could be effecting our children. Many topics are covered during this episode including:

  • Social Media and how much is too much screen time
  • How screen time can be very useful 
  • How important it is for our children to have a back and forth conversation even if its through Zoom or facetime.
  • Mental Health - how can we help them if they are struggling
  • The "Covid Slide" when it comes to grades

Contact Tara at: https://www.charlotteparentcoaching.com/

Follow Tara on Instagram @dreganandanna

Listen to Tara's Podcast "One day you'll thank me" on every platform that Podcasts are available.