Honest as a Mother
Join Amanda as she is sitting down with other moms and having the tough conversations surrounding motherhood. Amanda is a full time working mom who's passionate about discussing the "taboo" topics of motherhood. Join Amanda as she gets honest as a mother on her own feelings about what motherhood is really like.
Honest as a Mother
Resiliency: Navigating Childhood Trauma, Embracing Healing and the Journey Through Motherhood with Jessalyn Biederstadt
Amanda is joined by Jessalyn Biederstadt who is a survivor of the Willow River, BC, Child pornography case and an incredible mental health advocate to talk about motherhood, mental health and healing through trauma.
Included in this episode:
- What Jessalyn’s “rock bottom” was and how it woke her up to her own traumas, and brought her to the fork in the road of “heal or don’t heal”.
- Medication - breaking the stigma and how Jessalyn knew it was “time” for her to try medication.
- Pressures as mothers - Jessalyn’s feelings on this.
- Sleepovers - Our feelings on them.
- Cellphones - safety/our thoughts and opinions.
- Having the tough conversations with our kids and how it feels to take away the innocence.
- Her advice on how to heal yourself and regulate your nervous system.
Follow Jessalyn on IG @invisiblescarspodcast
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